[Last Updated 01/01/2023]


This Site, Application and Services is or are operated and provided by Venly (“Us” or “Our” or “We” or “Venly” or “Company”) to provide our partner an exclusive platform for the listing of its venues (“Brand Page”) and mobile application (“Mobile Application”) (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Platform”). We operate under the brand name “Venly” and we provide you with the unifying booking platform, allowing you to book venues conveniently through our platform by us or our subsidiaries, branches or affiliates or third-party service providers (“Service”). These Terms of Use (“User Terms”) are a legal contract between you and us.

Subject to the terms and conditions mentioned in these User Terms, you are hereby granted a non-exclusive, limited, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable license to use the Service for your personal, non-commercial use only and as permitted by the features of the Service. Venly reserves all rights not expressly granted herein in the Service (as detailed below).

These User Terms apply to your visit to and use of the Site whether through a computer or a mobile phone or any other device, the Service, as well as to all information, recommendations and/or services provided to you on or through the Site and the Service.

By successfully registering your account with us, you are consenting to be bound by these User Terms. Please ensure that you read and understand all these User Terms before you use the Site. If you do not accept any of the User Terms, then please do not use the Site or avail any of the Services being provided therein. Your agreement to these User Terms shall operate as a binding agreement between you and Venly in respect of the use and services of the Site.

Your acceptance of the User Terms shall be deemed to include your acceptance of the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy available at [venlyapp.com].

By accepting these User Terms, you allow Venly to send you promotional electronic mails and SMS alerts from time to time.


All of the defined and capitalized terms in these User Terms will have the meaning assigned to them here below:

“Application” means the software program provided by the Company downloaded by you on any electronic device, named Venly.

“Application Store” means the digital distribution service operated and developed by Apple Inc. (Apple App Store) or Google Inc. (Google Play Store) in which the Application has been downloaded.

“Affiliate” means an entity that controls, is controlled by or is under common control with a party, where “control” means ownership of 50% or more of the shares, equity interest or other securities entitled to vote for election of directors or other managing authority.

“Account” means a unique account created for You to access our Service or parts of our Service.

“Company” (referred to as either “the Company”, “We”, “Us” or “Our” in this Agreement) means Venly.

“Country” refers to the State of Qatar.

“Content” refers to content such as text, images, or other information that can be posted, uploaded, linked to or otherwise made available by you, regardless of the form of that content.

“Device” means any device that can access the Service such as a computer, a cell phone or a digital tablet.

“Feedback” means feedback, innovations or suggestions sent by You regarding the attributes, performance or features of our Service.

“Service” refers to the Website, the Mobile Application, the Programs and the Sites of Venly.

“Terms and Conditions” (also referred as “Terms”) mean these Terms and Conditions that form the entire agreement between you and the Company regarding the use of the Service.

“Third-Party Social Media Service” means any services or content (including data, information, products or services) provided by a third-party that may be displayed, included or made available by the Service.

“Website” refers to the website of Venly accessible.

“You” means the individual accessing or using the Service, or the company, or other legal entity on behalf of which such individual is accessing or using the Service, as applicable.

“Cancellation Fee“ means the fee payable towards cancellation of an Order by a Customer in terms of Clause 7 of these User Terms. The Cancellation Fee shall be exclusive of all applicable taxes on the Cancellation Fee, if any.

“Customer“ means a person who has an Account.

“Order“ means the order placed by a Customer to avail the Services facilitated through the Site.

“Order Value“ means such amount in Qatari Riyals (QAR), which is reflected on the Site, as the amount payable for a specific Order. The Order Value shall be exclusive of all applicable taxes on the Order Value, if any.

“Registration Data“ means and may include the present, valid, true and accurate name, electronic mail address, phone number and such other information as may be required by Venly from the Customer from time to time for registration on the Application.

“Total Fee“ means and include the Order Value, the Convenience Fee, the Cancellation Fee and Additional Fee and taxes as may be applicable from time to time.


You will be eligible to use the Services only when you fulfil all of the following conditions:

You have attained at least 18 (eighteen) years of age; and

You are competent to enter into a contract under the Applicable Laws.

Registration and Account

In order to access certain password-restricted areas of the Site and to use certain Services offered through the Site, you are required to successfully register an Account with us.

You understand and acknowledge that you can register on the Site only after complying with the requirements of this Clause and by entering your Registration Data.

You shall ensure that the Registration Data provided by you is accurate, complete, current, valid and true and is updated from time to time. We shall bear no liability for false, incomplete, old or incorrect Registration Data provided by you.

You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your Registration Data and will be liable for all activities and transactions that occur through your Account, whether initiated by you or any third party. Your Account cannot be transferred, assigned or sold to a third party. We shall not be liable for any loss that you may incur as a result of someone else using your password or Account, either with or without your knowledge.

We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your Account with immediate effect and for an indefinite period, if we have a reason to believe that the Registration Data or any other data provided by you is incorrect or false, or that the security of your Account has been compromised in any way, or for any other reason we may find just or equitable.

Except for the Registration Data or any other data submitted by you during the use of any Service offered through Site (“Permitted Information”), Venly does not want you to, and you should not, send any confidential or proprietary information to Venly on the Site or otherwise, unless otherwise is required by Applicable Laws. In accepting these User Terms you agree that any information or material that you or individuals acting on your behalf provide to Venly other than the Permitted Information will not be considered confidential or proprietary.

It is your responsibility to check to ensure that you download the correct Application for your device. We are not liable if you do not have a compatible mobile device or if you download the wrong version of the Application for your mobile device. We reserve the right to terminate the Service and the use of the Application should you be using the Service or Application with an incompatible or unauthorized device.

We allow you to open only one Account in association with the Registration Data provided by you. In case of any unauthorized use of your Account please immediately reach us at mailto:enquiries@venlyapp.com.


You may order our Services using our Site. You will be charged the applicable fees set forth in the schedule of pricing, as may be prescribed from time to time.

The Total Fee for the Services will be provided through the Site at the time the Services are ordered. You shall be subject to terms regarding minimum quantities to be ordered and minimum service fees, as detailed on the Site.

Due to reasons such as Applicable Law, and limitations, the Services may not be available in all locations within a service area. We reserve the right to decline the Services for any reason in our discretion. You will not be charged in such circumstances.

By using the Site for availing the Service, you further agree that:

You will only use the Service or download the Application for your sole personal use and will not resell or assign it to a third party;

You will not use an Account that is subject to any rights of a person other than you without appropriate authorization;

You will not use the Service or Site for unlawful purposes;

You will not try to harm the Service, Site or our network in any way whatsoever;

You will provide Venly with such information and documents which Venly may reasonably request for and in relation to performance of Services by Venly;

You will only use an authorized network to avail the Service; and

You will comply with all Applicable Law from your country of domicile and residence and the country, state and/or city in which you are present while using the Site or Service.

Venly reserves the right to immediately terminate the Service and the use of the Application or booking on the Site in the event of non-compliance with any of the above requirements.

Venly will store the information provided by you and may record calls for contacting you for all Service related matters. You shall promptly inform Venly on any change in the information provided by you.

You agree to grant Venly a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, sub-licensable (through multiple tiers) right to exercise the copyright, publicity, host, store, use, copy, display, reproduce, adapt, publish, database rights or any other rights you have in your information, Posted Content (as defined below) and Accessed Content (as defined below) in any media now known or not currently known, with respect to your information. You agree and permit Venly to share your information and/or Permitted Information, with third parties.

You agree that Venly retains an unconditional right to modify or amend terms and conditions in relation to your Venly Pass and/or Venue Membership Plan with prior notification to you via electronic mail and SMS or on the Mobile Application itself. Your continued use of the Site following the posting of such changes, shall constitute your consent and acceptance of those changes.

Confirmation of Orders

Venly shall, upon receiving the Order request from you in the manner set out above, proceed to confirm or decline the Order based on the ability to provide Service which shall be informed to you vide an SMS or electronic mail. In the event the Order is confirmed, you shall check the Order details and if there is any incorrect detail, the same needs to be informed to us immediately at mailto:enquiries@venlyapp.com.

You shall bear the consequences and damages for any delay that may be caused to you due to your failure to check the confirmation SMS or electronic mail or failure to inform Venly of the incorrect details immediately.


Venly shall charge Total Fee for the Service which shall be determined and amended at the sole and absolute discretion of Venly.

You shall be required to pay such Additional Fee, which will form part of the receipt of the Total Fee.

You shall be required to pay such Cancellation Fee in terms of Clause 7, which will form part of the receipt of the Total Fee.

The Total Fee will be collected by Venly from you at the time of placing an order for the Service.

Venly shall provide a receipt of the Total Fee payable by you upon successful placement of the Order for the Service.

All applicable taxes in respect of the Order Value, Convenience Fee, Additional Fee, Cancellation Fee shall be borne and payable by you.

Total Fee shall be effected using the services of an entity providing payment gateway or processor services (“PG”), authorized by Venly. Such PG may either be Venly or any of its affiliates or partners or unrelated third parties. You agree and undertake to share relevant payment details including credit or debit card details (“Card Details”) with the PG for the successful completion of payment towards Total Fee to Venly and authorize the PG to complete such transactions. In this respect, it is clarified that all PGs whose services are utilized for the purposes of the Site and/or Application and/or Services are PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) compliant. Your authorization permits the PG to debit or credit the bank account associated with your payment details. Your authorization further permits the PG to use your Card Details for the processing of transactions initiated by you at any of Venly’s affiliates. Your authorization will remain in effect as long as you maintain an Account with us. In the event you delete your Card Details with the PG or if you delete your Account, the PG will not process any further transactions initiated by you at the Site or Application and at the sites of any of Venly’s affiliates. Your authorization under this Clause is subject to any other terms and conditions of the PG.

Any payment related issue, except when such issue is due to an error or fault in the Site, shall be resolved between you and the Payment Processor and/or PG. Venly shall not be responsible for any unauthorized use of your Card Details during or after availing the Services on the Site.

Except to the extent otherwise required by Applicable Law, and as mentioned in Clause 6 above, Venly is not liable for any payments authorized through the Site using your Card Details. Particularly, Venly is not liable for any payments that do not complete because: (1) Your payment card or bank account does not contain sufficient funds to complete the transaction or the transaction exceeds the credit limit in respect of the payment details provided; (2) You have not provided Venly with correct payment details; (3) Your payment card has expired; or (4) circumstances beyond Venly’s control (such as, but not limited to, power outages, interruptions of cellular service, or any other interferences from an outside force) preventing the execution of the transaction.

Cancellation and Refund Policy 

Venly does not set cancellation and refund policies for the events listed on behalf of the third-party service providers on the Site. We only take the responsibility that the third-party service providers must communicate its refund policy to you through our Site. The sole responsibility to issue refunds in accordance therewith shall be of such third-party service provider/seller of products. Consequently, your requests for refund of your Order should be directed to the third-party service providers with whom you make a booking through our Site and in no event shall be directed to Venly. Any refund-related issues or disputes shall be strictly between you and the third-party service providers. Venly shall not be liable for any refund-related claims in connection with Services.

In case you wish to cancel booking of an Order for a Service provided by a third-party service provider on Venly, then the booking amount shall be refunded as per the refund policy for that specific venue or that specific event or that specific Service.

Refund for Order due to failed online ticket booking will be processed within 7-10 working days.

Venly reserves the right to change or modify this cancellation and refund policy without any prior notice.

With regards to payments, Venly shall not be responsible for any unauthorised transactions conducted on our Site using your payment card or internet banking or any other method. Venly shall not be obligated to refund any money to you in such instances.


By accepting these User Terms and using the Service, you agree that you shall defend, indemnify and hold Venly, its affiliates, its licensors, and each of their officers, directors, other users, employees, attorneys and agents (“Indemnified Party”) harmless from and against any and all claims, costs, damages, losses, liabilities, obligations, penalties, actions, judgements, suits, proceedings, expenses and disbursement of any kind or nature whatsoever (including attorneys’ fees and costs and the defense, appeal and settlement of any and all suits, actions or proceedings instituted or threatened) arising out of or in connection with:

Your violation or breach of any term of these User Terms or any Applicable Law or regulation, whether or not referenced herein

Your violation of any rights of any third party;

Your use or misuse of the Site or Service;

Any misrepresentation with respect to the data or information provided by you;

Failure to perform (either in whole or part) any obligations or responsibility including self-care required to be performed and ensured by you while availing the Services;

Any photographs, illustrations, graphics, audio clips, video clips, text, data or any other information, content, display, or material (whether written, graphic, sound, or otherwise) provided by you to Us and/or a claim that the Venly’s use of such content infringes the intellectual property rights or privacy rights of a third party;

Any claim that your data or information or content or photograph or any material (whether written, graphic, sound, or otherwise) caused damage to a third party or affect their rights under Applicable Law.

The right to indemnity of the Indemnified Party under this User Terms is separate and in addition to all such other rights that the Indemnified Party may have under Applicable Law or in equity or otherwise including but not limited to the right to seek damages and specific performance.


The information, recommendations and/or Services provided to you on or through the Site and call centre are for general information purposes only and does not constitute advice. Venly will reasonably keep the Site and its contents correct and up to date but does not guarantee that (the contents of) the Site is free of errors, defects, malware and viruses or that the Site is correct, up to date and accurate.

Venly shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the use of or inability to use the Site, including damages caused by wrong usage of the Site, error in call centre number, network issues, malware, viruses or any incorrectness or incompleteness of any information on the Site.

Venly does not assure a complete sustainability of its Service and shall not be held responsible or liable for the same, in any manner.

Venly shall not be responsible for any loss of communication or information of status update and benefits under the program. All this information will be sent on mobile number and/or electronic mail address registered with Venly. Venly will not be responsible for appropriateness of mobile or electronic mail or any other communication medium. You shall be responsible for immediately reporting the errors, if any, occurred in the information sent to you regarding Order confirmation.

In no event shall Venly be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special or consequential damages or for any damages whatsoever, whether based on contract, tort, negligence, strict liability or otherwise, even if Venly has been advised of the possibility thereof.

In addition, and without limiting the foregoing, to the fullest extent permitted by Applicable Law, in no event will Venly’s aggregate liability arising out of or in connection with these User Terms or the services rendered hereunder, whether in contract, tort (including negligence, product liability or other theory), warranty, or otherwise, exceed the amount of Order Value.

If Applicable Law does not permit the exclusion of certain warranties or the limitation or exclusion of liability, the scope and duration of such warranty exclusions and the extent of the liability of Venly shall be the minimum permitted under Applicable Law.

You understand and agree that any material or data or content downloaded or otherwise obtained through the Site is done entirely at your own discretion and risk, and that you will be solely responsible for any damage to your computer systems or loss of data that results from the download of such material or data.

You acknowledge and agree that access to Services are facilitated through vendor(s) and the Venly Site does not have any control over the services, operations or management of the Services or any products provided by our venue and/or vendor partners. We hereby disclaim any and all liability arising out of your use of the Services.

We hereby disclaim any guarantees of exactness as to the duration, type, satisfaction from any of the Services provided by us and/or our vendor/venue partners respectively. Further, we make no representation that any of the Services provided by us and/or our vendor/venue partners are appropriate or safe for use. You agree that the Services offered herein, by their very nature, include certain inherent risks that cannot be eliminated regardless of the care taken to avoid injuries (including death) and/or any kind of losses. You hereby assert that your participation is voluntary and that you knowingly assume all such risks and hence hereby release Venly, Site and its vendor/venue partners of all liability arising out of such aforementioned risks.

You confirm and agree that in addition to acceptance of these User Terms, your use and/or booking of the Services through the Site signifies your acceptance of any additional terms and conditions, guidelines, house rules, etc. posted, communicated or displayed on the venue centres of the third-party service provider. To the fullest extent permissible pursuant to applicable law, your use of the Services and your attendance at, participation in, purchase and/or use of the Services, is solely at your own risk and the We/Site does not assume any liability or make any warranties of any kind, express or implied, arising out of, in connection with or with respect to the Services.

Application License

Subject to your compliance with these User Terms, Venly grants you a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable and non-sub-licensable license to download and install a copy of the Application on a single mobile device that you own or control and to run such copy of the Application solely for your own personal use and to use the Site.

You shall not (i) license, sublicense, sell, resell, transfer, assign, distribute or otherwise commercially exploit or make available to any third party the Service or Site in any way; (ii) modify or make derivative works based upon the Service or Site; (iii) create internet links to the Service or frame or mirror the Site on any other server or wireless or internet-based device; (iv) reverse engineer or access the Site in order to design or build a competitive product or service, design or build a product using similar ideas, features, functions or graphics of the Service or Site, or copy any ideas, features, functions or graphics of the Service or Site; or (v) launch an automated program or script, including, but not limited to, web spiders, web crawlers, web robots, web ants, web indexers, bots, viruses or worms, or any program which may make multiple server requests per second, or unduly burdens or hinders the operation and/or performance of the Service or Site.

You shall not: (i) send spam or otherwise duplicative or unsolicited messages in violation of Applicable Laws; (ii) send or store infringing, obscene, threatening, libellous, or otherwise unlawful or tortious material, including material harmful to children or violation of third party privacy rights; (iii) send or store material containing software viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other harmful computer code, files, scripts, agents or programs; (iv) interfere with or disrupt the integrity or performance of the Site, or Service or the data contained therein; or (v) attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Site or Service or its related systems or networks.

Venly will have the right to investigate and prosecute violation of any of the above to the fullest extent of the law. Venly may involve and cooperate with law enforcement authorities in prosecuting users who violate these User Terms. You acknowledge that Venly has no obligation to monitor your access to or use of the Site, Service, Posted Content or Accessed Content of yourself or other Customers but has the right to do so for the purpose of operating the Site and Service, to ensure your compliance with these User Terms, or to comply with Applicable Law or the order or requirement of a court, administrative agency or other Governmental body. Venly reserves the right, at any time and without prior notice, to remove or disable access to any content that Venly, at its sole discretion, considers to be in violation of these User Terms or otherwise harmful to the Site or the Service or its goodwill or acceptable business practices.

Content Posted by Customers

Venly may accept posting of any notes, messages, electronic mails, photos, drawings, profiles, opinions, ideas, images, videos, audio files or other materials or information given by you on the Site (“Posted Content”) by you. Any success stories, comments, articles, testimonials, blogs, scribbles etc. posted, uploaded, conveyed or communicated by you on the news feed or any dedicated place of the Site will also be considered as Posted Content. We may publish such Posted Content on our Site so long as you consent. You may request that such Posted Content be taken down at any time and we shall remove such Posted Content. You represent that you have obtained all permissions and consents required to post the Posted Content and such Posted Content complies with all requirements of the Posted Content and Applicable Law. Venly shall not in any manner be responsible for any actions taken by third parties/you in relation to the Posted Content.

Venly may offer you the opportunity to get your photograph clicked (either single photo or in group with other users) or audio-videos may be made or created in venues or at an event or during usage of any third party websites or applications through our Services(“Photo & Videos”), as decided by Venly at its sole discretion. Such Photos and Videos may be clicked, made or captured by the venue or venue managers, or any individual authorised by Venly’s personnel or venue managers and shall be accessed and used in the manner stated herein below:

You may access the Photos and Videos from your Account on the Site and may be allowed to tag yourself in the photos. We grant you a revocable, limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, personal, non-commercial license to access and use the Photo and Video according to User Terms. You acknowledge that the Photos and Videos shall be accessible to you and other users of the Site and to those users who have attended the said sports session, class, event or activity. The said users may be allowed to download or take a screenshot of the Photos and Videos. In the event, you choose to tag yourself in the photos, your username shall be visible or accessible to other users and attendees of the session. Venly disclaims any and all liabilities with respect to the misuse, loss, modification, unavailability of the Photos and Videos available on the Site.

You hereby grant Venly an exclusive, transferable, royalty free, right to copy, irrevocable and worldwide license to use, copy, host, distribute, store, copy, share modify, perform, create derivative works and publicly display the Photos and Videos on Site and/or on any public forum including on social media platform at its sole discretion for instance, Facebook and Instagram. We reserve all the right, title and interest not expressly granted to the fullest extent possible under Applicable Laws. Unless stated otherwise, all Photos and Videos are believed to be in the public domain as either promotional materials or publicity photos and videos as Venly may determine at its sole discretion.

You agree that when posting Posted Content or while viewing any content of yourself or of other Customers, you will not:

Publish, post, upload, distribute or disseminate any inappropriate, profane, defamatory, infringing, obscene, indecent or unlawful topic, blasphemous, pornographic, libellous, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically objectionable, disparaging, relating or encouraging money laundering or gambling, or otherwise unlawful material or information;

Upload files that contain software or other material protected by intellectual property laws (or by rights of privacy or publicity) unless you own or control the rights thereto or have received all necessary consents;

Upload files that contain viruses, corrupted files, or any other similar software or programs that may damage the operation of another’s computer;

Advertise or offer to sell or buy any goods or services for any business purpose, unless the Site specifically allows such messages;

Conduct or forward surveys, contests, pyramid schemes or chain letters;

Download any file posted by/of another user that you know, or reasonably should know, cannot be legally distributed in such manner;

Falsify or delete any author attributions, legal or other proper notices or proprietary designations or labels of the origin or source of software or other material contained in a file that is uploaded;

Deceive or mislead the addressee about the origin of a message or communicate any information which is grossly offensive or menacing in nature;

Restrict or inhibit any other user from using and enjoying the Site;

Violate any code of conduct or other guidelines of our or of our third party service provider which may be applicable for any particular Posted Content or any content accessible on the Site;

Harvest or otherwise collect information about others, including electronic mail addresses, photographs, videos or material (whether written, graphic, sound, or otherwise) without their consent;

Threaten the unity, integrity, defence, security or sovereignty of the State of Qatar friendly relations with foreign states, or public order or causes incitement to the commission of any cognizable offence or prevents investigation of any offence or is insulting any other nation;

Use the content for any illegal purpose, and/or in any illegal manner;

Edit, change, prepare any derivative work of or alter in any way any of the content of other users of the Site;

Use the Photo and Videos for any illegal purpose, and any illegal manner; edit, change, prepare any derivative work of or alter in any way any of the Photo and Videos provided on the Site; or

Use them in any way that violates the User Terms or Applicable Laws.

Intellectual Property Ownership

Venly alone (and its licensors or any third party, where applicable) shall own all right, title and interest, including all related intellectual property rights, in and to:

The Site and the Service and any suggestions, ideas, enhancement requests, feedback, recommendations;

Text, graphics, user interfaces, visual interfaces, photographs, videos, trademarks, logos, sounds, music, artwork and computer code in relation to the Site; or

Other information provided by you or any other party relating to the Site or the Service.

Third party trademarks or any intellectual property may appear on this Site and all rights therein are reserved to the registered owners of those intellectual property. For use of any third party’s intellectual property, you need to get permission directly from the owner of the intellectual property for any use.

These User Terms do not constitute a sale and do not convey to you any rights of ownership in or related to the Site or the Service, or any intellectual property rights owned by Venly. You shall be solely responsible for any violations of any laws and for any infringements of any intellectual property rights caused by use of the Services or the Site.

You may use information on the Site purposely made available by Venly for downloading from the Site, provided that you:

Do not remove any proprietary notice language in all copies of such documents and make no modifications to the information;

Use such information only for your personal, non-commercial informational purpose and do not copy or post such information on any networked computer or broadcast it in any media; or

Do not make any additional representations or warranties relating to such information.

You hereby acknowledge and agree that We exclusively own all the intellectual property rights including copyright and other related rights in the Photos and Videos.


If permitted by Venly, you may establish a hypertext link to the Site, provided that the link does not state or imply any sponsorship or endorsement of your site by us. You must not use on your site or in any other manner any Venly trademarks or service marks or any content belonging to Venly and appearing on the Site, including any logos or characters, without our express written consent. You must not frame or otherwise incorporate into another third-party website or present in conjunction with or juxtaposed against such a website any of the content or other materials on the Site without our prior written consent.

The Services include and make use of certain functionality and services provided by third-parties that allow us to include maps, geocoding, places and other content from Google, Inc. (“Google”), or third-party vendors like Google, as part of the Services (the “Geo-Location Services”). Your use of the Geo-Location Services is subject to Google’s then current Terms of Use for Google Maps and Google Earth and by using the Geo-Location Services, you agree to be bound by Google’s terms of use.

Our Site may contain links to third-party websites, advertisers, or services that are not owned or controlled by us. We have no control over, and assume no responsibility for, the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party websites or services. If you access a third-party website from our Site, you do so at your own risk, and you understand that these User Terms and our privacy policy do not apply to your use of such sites. You expressly relieve us from any and all liability arising from your use of any third-party website or services or third party owned content.

Additionally, your dealings with or participation in promotions of advertisers found on our Site, including payment and delivery of goods or services, and any other terms (such as warranties) are solely between you and such advertisers. You agree that we shall not be responsible for any loss or damage of any sort relating to your dealings with such advertisers.

We encourage you to be aware of when you leave the Service or our Site, and to read the terms and conditions and privacy policy of any third-party website or service that you visit.

Terms and Termination

Unless terminated in accordance with this Clause 14, this agreement between Venly and you is perpetual in nature upon downloading the Application and for Order booked through the Site.

You are entitled to terminate this agreement at all times by deleting your Account, thus disabling the use by you of the Site. You can close your Account at any time by following the instructions on the Site.

Venly is entitled to terminate the agreement at all times and with immediate effect (by disabling your use of the Site and the Service) if you: (a) violate or breach or unethically manipulate or exploit any term of these User Terms or anyway otherwise acted unethically or upon receipt of a genuine complaint from another user or Venly’s affiliate or partner, or (b) in the opinion of Venly, misuse the Site or the Service. Venly is not obliged to give notice of the termination of the agreement in advance. After termination Venly will give notice thereof in accordance with these User Terms.

Termination of these User Terms will not prejudice accrued rights of either Venly or you.

Clauses 8 (Indemnification), 9 (Liability), 10 (Application License), 11 (Contents Posted By Customers), 12 (Intellectual Property Ownership), 14 (Term and Termination), 19 (Notice) and 21 (Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution) and such other provisions which are intended to survive the termination, shall survive the expiry or termination of these User Terms in accordance with their terms.


The invalidity of any term of these User Terms shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of these User Terms. If and to the extent that any provision of these User Terms is invalid, or is unacceptable in the given circumstances, a provision shall apply between the parties instead that is acceptable considering all the circumstances, taking into account the content and the purpose of these User Terms.


In the event of any contradiction or inconsistency between these User Terms and any other agreement executed between you and Venly, the terms of the User Terms shall prevail unless the exception has been expressly agreed to in writing by making reference to the relevant Clause sought to be modified under this User Terms.


Venly does not guarantee or provide assurance in respect of the behaviour, actions or data of the users posted on the Site.

We do not authorize anyone to make a warranty on Our behalf and you shall not rely on any statement of warranty as a warranty by us.

Venly and their representatives, officers, employees, agents and contractors shall not be liable for any loss, damage, claim, expense, cost (including legal costs) or liability arising directly or indirectly from your use or non-use of the Service or the Site, or your reliance upon the Service or the information contained upon the Site (whether arising from Venly or any other person’s negligence or otherwise).

This Site, Application and all content on the Site and the Application are provided on an as is basis without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including without limitation warranties of title or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. You acknowledge, by your access of the Site, that your access of the Site and availing of Services is at your sole risk, that you assume full responsibility for your access and use of the Site, and that Venly shall not be liable for any damages of any kind related to your access and use of this Site and/or Application.

All images, audio, video and text in the Site and/or Application are only for illustrative purposes. None of the models, actors or products in the images, if any, is endorsing the Services in any manner. Any resemblance of any matter to anybody or anything is purely unintentional and/or coincidental.

You acknowledge and agree that by accessing or using the Site or Services or any content on the Site, you may be exposed to content from others that you may consider offensive, indecent or otherwise objectionable. We disclaims all liabilities arising in relation to such offensive content on the Site.

Modification of the Service and User Terms

Venly reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify or replace, in part or full, any of these User Terms, or change, suspend, block, discontinue or restrict your use to all or any feature of the Service or Application at any time.

Venly shall not be required to notify you of any changes made to these User Terms. The revised User Terms shall be made available on the Site. You are requested to regularly visit the Site to view the most current User Terms. You can determine when Venly last modified the User Terms by referring to the Last Updated legend above. It shall be your responsibility to check these User Terms periodically for changes. Venly may require you to provide your consent to the updated User Terms in a specified manner prior to any further use of the Site and the Services. If no such separate consent is sought, your continued use of the Site, following the changes to the User Terms, will constitute your acceptance of those changes. Your use of the Site and the Services is subject to the most current version of the User Terms made available on the Site at the time of such use.


Venly may give notice by means of a general notice on the Service or Application, or by electronic mail to your electronic mail address or a message on your registered mobile number, or by written communication sent by regular mail to your address on record in Venly’s account information.

You may contact Venly by electronic mail at Enquiries@venlyapp.com or by written communication sent by regular mail to our address at [Office 32 – 3rd Floor, City Plaza Investments, Fox Hills, Lusail, Qatar, P.O Box 16072].


You shall not assign your rights under these User Terms without prior written approval of Venly. Venly can assign its rights under the User Terms to any affiliate or third party.

Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution

The laws of the Country, excluding its conflicts of law rules, shall govern these User Terms and your use of the Service. Your use of the Application may also be subject to other local, state, national, or international laws.

If you have any concern or dispute about the Service, you agree to first try to resolve the dispute informally by contacting Venly.